Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Summer Reading Quick Reviews

Welcome to our English 11 blogspot!

We will use this as an online forum to discuss readings and conversation topics related to our course. For the first assignment, please answer the following in one complete, well-written paragraph. Use the comment button below the post to answer:

1. Briefly summarize your summer reading selection.

2. Discuss the main theme of the work.

3. Select and explain the main literary technique/techniques used by the author to develop this theme.

4. Provide a recommendation for your blog readers. Would you recommend your summer reading selection to other readers? Why or why not? What did you most like or dislike about it? To whom would you recommend it?

When you post a comment, complete the following steps:
1) Look for the comment box below the post.

2) Write your comment carefully. Read it over for grammar or spelling errors. If necessary, type your comments in word and cut/paste them into the "comment" space. You will lose points for sloppy work.

3) When posting, use the "name/url" function. Type your FIRSt NAME AND LAST INITIAL.

4) Press post.

5) I will read your post and "OK" it. It will then appear on the blog.